Emm, dh lma x wat blog ni..xde idea la sbb xde cmra. cmra phne bknnye xde, ade je.. tp mls la nk trnsfer pic2 2. nnt la tggu msa aku rjin la ea..
Mlm ni mlm thun br.. pe nk wat ek? Boss ade wat bbq kt umh dia..nk xnk aku kna g gak, leh la mrapatkn lg hbgn aku n boss(ni bkn hbgn trlarang tau!!huhu..)Mksd aku ntara boss n sec dia..hehe.
Sblm g umh boss, nk g tmn melati jap nk jmpa guy yg ehem2 2..aku ckap, tgk la klau rjin..dia suh aku dtg gak, bleh la wat lpas indu sblm pegi konvoi..hehe. Emm, y not kn??? Aku bknnye milik sesape pn lg..so, xde la slhnye..
Mlm ni dia n mmbr2 dia ade wat konvoi moto g cherating..huhu, sabo je la. Dia kata nk bwak aku tp msalahnye, diorg overnite kt sna..so, dia x brani nk bwak. N dia ckp xpe la, nnt kite sttng g gnting..hehe.(syoknyeee)
Myb pas g umh boss, aku nk kuar ngn must..tp x tau la kuar ke x. Dia 2 poyo ckit..dh brape mlm dia ajk aku kuar n aku dh siap tp xjd kuar..bleh???
Sabo je la..so, aku xla mngharap sgt tuk kuar ngn dia mlm ni. Klau x jd kuar ngn dia, aku plan nk tggu naz blik kje n ajk dia g round kl.
Mlm thun br maa...mna leh dok umh. Dh la cuti sblm ni aku dok umh je, otak naik beku dh..huhu.
K la, 2 je cite tuk hr ni..n HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009(azam thun br..pe eak??? ooo, lpa lak..emm, no more heartbreaks n down of love) hehe, leh ke 2? Hope so..huhu.
Aku nk msukkn 1 lg lgu yg aku ska dgr..Dgr tau, jgn x dgr..hehe
We're driving slow through the snow
On fifth avenue
And right now radio's
All that we can hear
Now, we ain't talked since we left
It's so overdue
It's cold outside
But between us
It's worse in here
The world
slows down, but my heart beats fast right now
I know, this is the part where the end starts
I can't take it any longer
Thought that we were stronger
All we do is linger
Slipping through our fingers
I don't want to try now
All that's lefts good-bye
To find a way that I can tell you
I hate this part right here
I hate this part right here
I just can't take your tears
I hate this part right here
Everyday, seven takes of the same old scene
Seems we're bound by the laws of the routine
Gotta talk to you now before we go to sleep
But will we sleep once I tell you
What's hurting me
The world
Slows down, but my heart beats fast right now
I know this is the part, where the end starts
I can't take it any longer
Thought that we were stronger
All we do is linger
Slipping through our fingers
I don't want to try now
All that's lefts good-bye
To find a way that I can tell you
I hate this part right here
I hate this part right here
I just can't take your tears
I hate this part right here
I know you'll ask me to hold on
And carry on like nothing's wrong
But there is no more time for lies
Cause I see sunset in your eyes
I can't take it any longer
Thought that we were stronger
All we do is linger
Slipping through our fingers
I don't want to try now
All that's lefts good-bye
To find a way that I can tell you
But I gotta do it
I gotta do it
I gotta do it
I hate this part
I gotta do it
I hate this part right here
And I just can't take these tears
I hate this part right
Perginya Mak Ajah … Alfatihah
5 years ago
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